Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I've been a busy little bee. I'm trying to get myself in order. Priorities need to get straight again. Mine seem to get out of wack every now and then.

Anyway, I've got my home back under control. Now if I can just keep it that way for a little while, or a long while!!

I always seem to lose control when DH is home a little extra. I just don't seem to clean, do laundry, whatever, when he is around. I can't explain it, but it true. Weird huh. This is his first full week at work since the new year. They have had lots of holidays and adonsas (not sure of spelling) so they have been off a lot! Lots of 3 and 4 day weekends. Don't get me wrong, I've loved them all. It's been wonderful to have him home I just wish I could my act together when he is.

Anyway, that's what I've been doing. I've been trying out some new recipes too. They have been pretty good too.

Tonight we are having Cheesy Chicken in the crock pot. I'm trying to use it more. It's so easy and really it can be fairly inexpensive as well. I'm even thinking of getting a second one. I was inspired by Homemakerang. She recently posted about using hers, she has 3, and I decided to pull mine back out. I use mine sporadically. But for now we are enjoying it.

On my TO DO today:

1. stretch (done!)

2. put dinner in crock-pot

3. shower

4. volunteer at church

5. library

6. laundry

7. mend DD's pants

Well, that's it for now. We'll go from there. Have a glorious day, dear cyber friends!!

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