Monday, March 28, 2011

"My Daddy Is In The Army"

I am very excited! It has been so fun to see that people (probably friends and family) are purchasing my book. Now I'm trying to figure out how to 'market' it,

An illustration from the book.
how to get the word out about it. I'm having fun with it. As I have reviewed it and edited it and read it I've come to the conclusion that perhaps it needs a companion book for the spouses. A book that goes more into the care packages and other keeping in touch ideas, maybe talking about the hardships we spouses feel and some ideas to help cope. Maybe some stories of anger, hurt, and sadness to show that they are not alone and that it is totally normal to be MAD. To talk about the mourning and grieving that we go through. Right now it's all in the thought process but I thought it might be a good book to write. I've even thought of writing something for those wanting to minister to the military and their families. Just ideas that are going through my mind...

DD got busy after she saw "My Daddy Is In The Army" online for sale and has finally finished illustrating one of my other children's book and is now bugging me every minute to hurry up and get it published! LOL She is so cute. She wants to see her name in print as the illustrator.

I'm going to find myself a little quiet time this week to work on some of these ideas. I'm excited and having fun. DH come home this weekend from a week long trip and said, "You look happy!" LOL I told him is pretty exciting to see people buying your book!


  1. I think the spouse book is a great idea! I have been feeling a nudging to start a care package business kind of thing!!!

    I am glad you are pursuing this!

  2. Funny you should say that! DS was just talking to me about that the other day as we were putting one together for a friend. LOL I think you should totally go for it!
