Tuesday, January 17, 2006


The last year or so, I've been a little lost. I've not been myself at home, in my family, and now it is over flowing into public aspects of my life, which is much more noticeable, so I am now seeking myself.

I'm not sure exactly where I'm going with this but hopefully it will lead to ... me.


  1. I think that is a journey for a lot of us. Good Luck. Love ya

  2. Thanks guys! I'm fine really. Just trying to find the old me.

  3. (whispering) How's it going?

  4. Pretty good. I'm playing mean mommy right now and it may work for me! ;oP

  5. getting lost is easy to do. I have been lost for awhile now. I have not been the "me" I once was. I miss that person as I am sure anyone who has known me for awhile misses that person too. We all go through it and it is just a part of human nature and the impacts that society has on us all. We lose sight of the things that have always been important to us because of meaningless priorities that society throws at us, and at the time that is what needed to be done but we forget to throw out the breadcrumbs so we can find our way back....
