Thursday, December 30, 2010

So much to do...

That's how feel.  I'm trying to get better organized for our new semester of school.  I need to get my house cleaned and tidied.  I want to get some planning done for my choir and I need to look over my etiquette training stuff for my next class.  And work on next month's budget... yuck.  Lots to do... and yet here I am trying to blog. 

Do you make new year's resolutions?  I'm NEVER very good at keeping them so I usually choose not to make them.  I don't think I will this year either but I do want to try for a more healthy lifestyle.  I'm thinking of having DH and DS move the treadmill upstairs to our bedroom.  I used to use it all the time when it was in our room before (like about 6 years ago), so maybe it would help me to get back on it.  I need to move more!

I also want to write more.  Just a little everyday and see if I can improve.  I love my old blog posts and want to get back to that.  It was fun and rewarding.  It wasn't a lot different from what I do now sometimes it was just what I'd been doing but sometimes I've written some pretty creative posts and I loved that!  I need to get that back.

Ok, well I've rambled here enough for now.  My to do list is calling to me.  I hope you all have a wonderful day.


  1. My resolutions sound very similar. Move more, write more.

    Blessings on your New Year!

  2. Good luck with yours! Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you have a wonderful New Year!!
