Friday, January 21, 2011

Craving God eBookI just heard about this e-book for Kindle and so I downloaded it to my ipod and right away read the first day.  It's a 21 day challenge in devotional form.  I think I'm going to give it a try.  I know, I know, I've been looking at starting all kinds of things but I'm really going to do this one.  Plus it was free so that makes that much more accessible to me.  So, here it goes... I'm ready.

Ready for a better relationship with food, and more importantly, ready for some time with God.  Want to join me?


  1. Day Two:

    It was interesting. Our minister preached on this scripture last week. He tied it with greed but she tied it to craving (I do realized they are pretty much the same for some reason crave lets me see more. I guess I tie greed to money mainly). In doing so she made me really think about that and I could see how it could easily be for a lot of different things when you say crave... food, alcohol, internet, television, work, money, stuff and so on. I found it very interesting and thought provoking.

    I may have to get the main book. I just want to keep reading. This one is set up as a daily devotional so it's a short read, very doable. I like that this one is offered free (click on the photo of the book) for Kindle. I have the app on my iPod. I'm pretty sure you can get it free for the PC too. It's a great way to touch more people. So thank you publishers for offering it this way.

  2. Day Three:

    Very interesting. It really got me thinking hard about how I look at some things and I hope I can keep my eye on the Ball.
