Friday, July 15, 2011

More bread, books and such

Today, the kids and I are preparing for our church's Youth Choir Tour.  We are very excited.  I've been busy this morning with laundry and packing.  Since DH isn't going, I've also been busy making him some homemade bread and preparing a dinner for tonight (before we leave) that will hopefully have some leftovers for him to eat. I'm also trying to tidy things up a bit for him.  I feel a little guilty leaving him home alone, so hopefully all this will say "I love you and miss you" loud and clear to him.

Anyway, I am having a wonderful time doing all this!  I know, I should have started preparing days ago but I was reading a really good book.  I finished it last night and started on the laundry.  This morning, I had to pick up DD from a friend's house so we ran that book back to the library and picked up the next one I had on hold.  So in between waiting on laundry, bread rising and such I've been reading here and there this new book, and I'm having flashbacks... flashbacks to the days when life was always like this!  Days, when I worked around the house, I cooked, I baked, I read, I played and I'm thinking... Why in the world did that ever stop?  Why did I let those things slowly go by the wayside?

I have no idea.  Maybe because I was trying to hide in the others things during deployments and moves... maybe I was looking for something I thought was better.  I really don't know but I'm glad to find my way back to this.  I enjoy cooking for my family.  I enjoy showing my DH I love him by keeping things tidy.  (Still not the best house keeper but tidy is so very nice.)  I enjoy reading!  So look out!  Because I. Am. Back!

BTW, if haven't read "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett, you should!  It was a wonderful read.  I loved it.  In fact I'm sad that I finished it.  I'm missing my friends today!  I just love Aibileen, Minny and Skeeter.  Can't wait to see the movie now.

One more thing... the new book I checked out today has a study that goes with it and I'm thinking of maybe hosting a lunch time study, brown bag, lunch hour kind of thing, at my home.  What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... maybe because what I did wasn't really ever good enough anyway...
