Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Well, today a friend is coming to get the kids and take them Christmas shopping. It is so sweet of her to do it. DS was very worried about how they were going to get a gift for me. Last time I think my parents took them shopping. I really can't remember what they did. Maybe another friend took them. Oh, I know they made stuff at church for me. Of course I helped but they didn't really notice. And I promised not to look at what they were making. heeheehee. Kids, gotta love them!

Yesterday, I guess I finally got into the Christmas spirit. I went shopping for about and hour or two and finished my shopping for the kids. YEA!! It was hard work. I had planned on not going over board like I usually do and so far that was easy because I couldn't get into the whole shopping thing but ... Once I got started yesterday, boy howdy, overboard I went! So now I just need to wrap and get something for the dog. (the kids are insisting that I buy for him and that Santa is bringing him something.)

Well, I guess I need to go clean up the house for Santa. I've exercised already and had breakfast so now I'm off to work! (You know how well that goes for me...) Have a great day!