Let's see... Sunday DH returned home and DD put on her Medieval Feast. It was great! You can read all about it here. We had such fun.
Monday, DD and I visited a new friend's home for a while and really had a wonderful time enjoying their company. DD is so excited to have a new friend. Oh, we also had a furniture repairman out to see about the damage which happened in our move. He's coming back today...
Wednesday, DD got her bottom braces. She looks SO CUTE with them!! She won't let me take pictures until she get the top ones too. Wednesday is our busy day, with DD having church and ballet and DS having play practice... 3:45 to 5:15, 5:30 to 6:30, and 6:30 to 10! That's a tight afternoon schedule. Trying to fit a family dinner in just doesn't work.
Thursday we had spent time with friends again and did a little shopping. This took most of the day! DH and DS went out to one of the ranges and looked at guns and DS even got a little shooting lesson. They had a lot of fun.
Well, I hope you are having a great week! I'll try to do better next week.
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