Friday, April 08, 2011

Much going on in my world...

So much going on today.  We sit anxiously waiting to hear if there will be compromise on the budget so that it can pass.  Wondering how our bills will be paid and our family fed.  I just keep remembering how much God loves the birds and flowers and He loves us even more.  I know it will all be okay and work out.  We are luckier than many in that we do a have a little savings and can make due with it for a short while. 

Then I am putting the finishing touches on the Children's program at church.  I've been working on keepsakes and thank yous.  I think I'm about done.  There are couple more people who have supported me through it all that I need to figure out what to do for but I've got most of it done.

I'm also having family come in this afternoon.  I can't wait!  This particular family member has never been to our home before.  How exciting!  It's just a short visit but with all that is going on that is perfect. 

Tomorrow my DS is taking the ACT for the first time.  I know he is going to do great!  Unfortunately, I suffer from test anxiety and have FOREVER, and it appears that I suffer even when it is other people taking the test!!  LOL  Crazy, I know but... it's who I am.  He just told me he's nervous and I said, "You'll do great!  No need to be nervous!" 

Then, I'm still trying to think of ways to get the word out about my book "My Daddy Is In The Army".  I know I keep throwing this out there but I've read that the way to get in google searches and such is to type the title often.  LOL  So that's what I am trying to do.  I'm working on a few ideas for marketing but they will have to wait until after this weekend.

Well, I better get back to work.  I hope you all have a wonderful... if you have time, please pray for our nations leaders and they make decisions and pray for our Military and their families, especially those who are deployed or separated.  Thanks!

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